Dog Photographer

I’ve been spending a lot of time with dogs recently. M’i old pal Charlie Smith, runs a canine care business which includes dog walking, behavior, day care and a house sitting service, so owners don’t have to leave their dogs at a kennel when they are away from home. Not really having much experience as a dog photographer, I thought I’d use the opportunity to try capture the girls characters, once I’d sussed them out while house sitting with Charlie over Christmas and New Year.


As a gesture to her clients, I thought it would be nice to leave the owners with a printed portrait of each dog. Poppy, nosing through the cat flap, is a Collie and Labrador mix, while Tedi, the hungry corner hugger, is a Cock-a-Poodle.


An old known phrase goes, that when it comes to photography, never to work with kids or animals. I’ve got to admit, I really enjoy the challenge of capturing a dogs character and expressions.


dog photographer, birmingham, solihull, west midlands, pet photographer, canine, photo studio


dog photographer, birmingham, solihull, west midlands, portrait photographer birmingham, idp, ian davies photo


Feel free to get in touch if you want your dog photographed at the studio or on location.


2016-01-13T16:20:18+00:00 January 13th, 2016|